
What are Squid Craft Games? Everything you need to know about Spanish Twitch stars Rubius and Ibai's

Squid Craft returns this February 28 as Spanish Twitch giants Rubius, Ibai, and others bring back last year's "Squid Games in Minecraft" event with an expanded roster of about 200 streamers.

Although the focus is on Spanish creators, Rubius and others have opened up the tournament to a more North American audience by inviting big streamers such as xQc, Amouranth, Pokimane, and Minecraft icons like Dream and GeorgeNotFound.

For those out of the loop, Squid Craft is a portmanteau of the popular Korean Netflix series Squid Game and Minecraft and is a Twitch Rivals event created by the Spanish content creators in January 2022. Let's take a deep dive into what exactly it is and how it works.

xQc, Dream, Pokimane, Amouranth, and many more North American streamers will be at Squid Craft Games for a prize pool of €100,000

If the 2023 Squid Craft Games is anything like last time, the game will consist of a Minecraft map with sections designed in the likeness of levels from the famous Squid Game. The Netflix show became a global phenomenon last year, cementing itself as one of the most popular shows worldwide. Even MrBeast took part in the hype by simulating his own Squid Game with a viral YouTube video.

With 200 creators going head-to-head through several rounds for a cash prize of €100K, the completion will inevitably get heated up. Furthermore, English-speaking streamers joining the tournament will boost viewership across North America. Meanwhile, big Spanish streamers Ibai, Xokas, and El Rubius will make their return. Auronplay will reportedly not be joining, having retired since accusations of grooming surfaced.

It appears that no one will be taking his place, and Squid Craft Games 2 will continue with 199 players. However, fret not because along with the Spanish Twitch icons, North American giants such as Pokimane, xQc, MoistCr1TiKaL, and Dream will be joining the roster, making this year's event quite an eclectic mix. Argentine footballer Kun Aguero will also be joining the event.

Below is the full list of participants.

List of participants in Squid Craft Games 2

  • Auronplay* (Vacant)
  • BarbeQ
  • Nil Ojeda
  • Suzyrox
  • Fedelobo
  • PapiGavi
  • ADN_QC
  • SugusSusan
  • Werlyb
  • Maaylen
  • Rodezel
  • Goes
  • E_MasterSensei
  • MizterFlipp
  • Viruzz
  • Luzu
  • Leviathan
  • Augustine51
  • Natalan
  • Amper
  • Moxwdf
  • Emikukis
  • Zorman
  • Latesitoo
  • Moistcritical
  • Zilverk
  • Jacky
  • Chicharito
  • Paracetamor
  • Edurne
  • MrKeroro
  • Amablitz
  • Sekiam
  • Cristinini
  • Amouranth
  • Loserfruit
  • Knekro
  • GermanGarmendia
  • ElRichMC
  • Luh
  • Carola
  • Bobbycraft
  • Wefere
  • TinaKitten
  • BoffeGP
  • Moyorz
  • Beniju
  • Noe9977 (with DjMaRiiO)
  • TheDonato
  • BudCat
  • ElZeein
  • Staryuuki
  • BersGamer
  • Elyas360
  • Vicens
  • Germisse
  • Ricoy
  • LlunaClark
  • Violet
  • FoolishGamers
  • Renrize
  • Rubius
  • Robert Cein
  • Kidi
  • Nuvis
  • Maau
  • Farfadox
  • Aroyitt
  • AgentMaxo
  • xQc
  • CrisGreen
  • Alkapone
  • Hasvik
  • Folagor
  • Mr. Cheeto
  • Espe
  • Rivers
  • GeorgeNotFound
  • Desst3
  • Siro Lopez
  • Spreen
  • JohnSwamp
  • DeqiuV
  • LarryCabirria
  • Axozer
  • ElChurches
  • Careera
  • Pandarin
  • Manucraft
  • Ollie
  • ElMariana
  • Miranda Ibañez
  • Nia
  • Brianeitor
  • Alecomeco
  • Sofia Anyway
  • Reven
  • JCorko
  • Locochon
  • ZellenDust
  • Darizard9
  • Xokas
  • Eskimalito
  • SoyPan
  • Sherezade
  • Wardsess
  • Jhdelacruz
  • Goncho
  • FarParaMoar
  • MaferRocha
  • Spursito
  • KarlJacobs
  • Reborn
  • Quackity
  • MariusOptimus
  • Pujidos90
  • Genesis
  • aLexBY
  • MissaSinfonia
  • Different
  • Tanizen
  • mictia00
  • LitKillah
  • Caprimint
  • Roier
  • Manute
  • Conterstine
  • Pipepunk
  • Dylantero
  • Brunenger
  • IlloJuan
  • Neekolulz
  • Focus
  • Silithur
  • Rapturrs
  • Alanalarana
  • Pokimane
  • Nimu
  • Unicorn
  • Betra
  • Komanche
  • AngieVelasco
  • ElviraYuki
  • Robleis
  • Pollito_senpai
  • Kajal Napalm
  • TheDaarick28
  • Noni
  • TFue
  • D3stri
  • Nephtunie
  • bSweety
  • Outconsumer
  • Joseph Christ
  • Dream
  • Sylveey
  • Lenay
  • xlightmoonx
  • Ibai
  • xCry
  • Jelty
  • RocioDTA
  • Mymtumtum69
  • Sarinha_3
  • Kun Agüero
  • Gemite
  • Champi
  • Josepo90
  • Vicky Palami
  • Rioboo
  • Deargia
  • AlecHernandez
  • Delt4Forc3
  • ElDed
  • 8cho
  • Zeling
  • Shadoune
  • Hannahxxrose
  • Sapnap
  • Duck
  • Boat
  • Biyin
  • Ander
  • Grefg
  • Algo_Geo
  • Magnet
  • Karchez
  • Pelicanger
  • Tubbo
  • AriGameplays
  • Paulettee
  • Perxitaa
  • Abby
  • Amph
  • Impairment
  • Filisgg
  • Nissaxter
  • Fans waiting for this event for over a year must stay patient for a few more days to see the massive cast of streamers go toe-to-toe in Squid Craft Games 2, 2023.

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    Artie Phelan

    Update: 2024-06-11