
Prince William Accepts Gifts and Congratulations in Oxford

After palace officials made an official announcement to let the world know that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their second child this morning, Prince William attended an event in Oxford without his pregnant wife, who is once again suffering from severe morning sickness. The Duke was greeted with plenty of well-wishes, excitement and even gifts for the new baby and his one-year-old son, Prince George.

Chloe Crookes, a 9-year-old girl from St. Aloysius Primary School, waved a flag and shouted her congratulations to the Prince as he was welcomed. “We are very excited. We wanted to see her but she’s having a baby,” she said of Kate Middleton.

The Duke is in Oxford to support the new Dickson Poon University of Oxford China Centre, and his wife was supposed to be by his side for the event. Because of her severe morning sickness, the palace rushed to make the announcement that the Duchess is once again pregnant and sick because of it. However, that didn’t stop royal fans from providing the Duke with gifts to take home to his wife, son and yet unborn second child.

Five-year-old Bethlilly Barton offered Prince William a little toy swan, which she told him was for his son. She also gave him a bouquet of flowers she’d brought for the Duchess, which she explained to the prince as he knelt to talk to her and to swat a bee away from the little girl’s flowers.

Head teacher Tom Walker was very impressed with the Prince and his interaction with the children at the event. “He was lovely, so relaxed. He engaged with them really well,” said Walker of the Prince’s natural ability with kids. A father at the event said that the Prince will make a wonderful second-time father. “He was really great with the children. It was great to see,” said Stuart McPherson.

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Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-06-17